These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I'm back on the sidelines again.   Soccer's her game.  She is 5.  She is the oldest of four.

Saturday morning; 9am; rain or shine; freezing cold or not; brothers and sister in tow.  I am utterly amazed at how dedicated we are as parents and grandparents.  It's obvious I'm not the only grandparent at the field.  It would be impossible for one parent to do this alone.  (Unless you only have one chilld, of course.) My daughter, along with her husband when he's not working, manage to get all four of the little ones up, dressed, fed, loaded into their carseats and to the field by 9.   An amazing deed in my book,-- until you hear the coach's schedule.   By the way, a coach is just a parent that said "yes".  Coach has 3 kids of his own.  All three are on separate teams.  They were at the field before us and will remain long after us.  All the games are at different times.  WOW!  You guys are amazing!

Such dedication, such sacrifice.  All for our little ones and they're worth it.  We want them to be well rounded, healthy minded, physically active, confident individuals.  

As I made my way out of the packed parking lot, I glance again at all those people covering the fields. I prayed that we would have that kind of tenacity to be involved in our children's faith life.  Bring them on Sunday morning, get involved, help teach their church class. Get together on Wednesday night. Take time to cultivate their relationship with the Lord and make friends with other Christians.  They're going to need those values and those friends to see them through all the ups, downs, wins and losses on thier soccer team.  They're also going to need to know how to deal with all those  people on the sidelines when things aren't going so well. They need to know the truth about their self-worth when they don't make the "A" team.  They need to know about their self-worth when they do make the "A" team. 

There's a spirit inside our little athletes that's hungry.  Let's be dedicatied to feeding it.

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