These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We still need each other!

I know you've heard it before.  More than once, so have I.  But it's so true it's worth repeating.  We need each other!  God did not create us to get along alone.  Sometimes life gets so busy, it seems easier to try to get things done on your own.  You know, it takes longer to explain to someone what to do than to just do it.  It takes longer to call the list of people to find a willing volunteer, so you just do it.  I find myself working from this standpoint more often than I'd like.   Something as simple as writing a few words on my blog gets farther and fewer between.

In the past 8 weeks,  I've been immersed in the power of coming together and working together for the kingdom of God on two different occasions.  First in Armenia, a team of 18 of went in June for a conference.  There I saw people from eight nations come together with the distinct purpose of laying their lives before God, worshipping him together and seeking his will for their part in the hour we live in.  Seeing the same Holy Spirit touch, equip, empower, individuals from so many different places just reminds me again that his plan is so much bigger than my view of what's really going on.  God is so good to relate to us on such a personal level, but he doesn't stop there.  We have brothers and sisters that are fun!  It's thrilling to walk this life together.  God is always doing something. 

The second occasion was our vacation Bible school last week.  Can you even believe there are still 65 people who are available to serve our kids from 9-12 each morning.  I find that amazing enough in a world where so many moms are working.  The thing is, most of these moms that helped are working moms, they're just going the extra mile to invest in their children's and other children's spiritual upbringing.  I am truly invigorated by the dedication I witnessed.  There agian, the Lord let me see what my brothers and sister are up to and it's so encouraging.  

Is there anyone out there who feels like they're carrying the weight of the world on thier shoulders?  You are not alone.  There are people all around who feel the same way or have felt the same way. I know it may appear to be just one more thing you've got to do, but there is great refreshing found in serving the Lord together and getting together to seek the Lord together.  Whether it's for a Bible study, a small group, prayer, or dinner with other believers, do it!  And while you're at it, ask the Lord if there's anyone feeling like you and invite them too! Hebrews 10:24-25, "And let us consider how we my spur one another on toward love and good deeds.  Le us not give up meeting together..."   We need each other!  Be blessed.

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