These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Time Travel

Ok-so movies speak to me in strange ways.  Sometimes I hear the Holy Spirit talking to me through a movie that has no apparent connection to the things of God.  Most recently he gave me a good talking to through "The Time Travelers Wife."  I love movies about time travel.  Apparently a good portion of the population in the 1980s did too considering the success of  "Back to the Future."    Anyway, after watching this heart wrenching movie that left me in tears, I just let my imagination go with the thought of time travel again.  Who wouldn't want to travel into the past to the day you made a decision that sent your life in a direction you now know was WRONG!  And who wouldn't want to take a peak into the future to see where your current choices are going to lead.  I love this idea.  It was during these thoughts that the Holy Spirit started to talk to me.  Thoughts started entering my head like .."He is the alpha and the omega."  "He knows the beginning and the end."  "Before Abraham, I am." "He endured the cross and it's shame seeing the prize set before him."  Wow!  Jesus was a time traveler!  How cool!  God, who was not bound by "time", entered the time zone of earth.  Sure, he dwelt in a particular time frame, but in his head was 'all of time'.  He came with the message of fullfillment of time past, and news about the future.  We still have news about our future, if we follow him, we are on a path of life, and if we don't follow him he tells us that path will lead to death.  He told us about the mansion with many rooms that  his Father is preparing for us.  He came to invite us there.  He saw it and came into "time" to tell us about it.   Now comes the tricky part, do we believe this guy and his message of the future.  In every time travel movie there are some who believe and some who don't.  The smart ones listen and alter thier behavior in ways that lead to a whole new future.  I love it when Michael J. Fox as  Marty in "Back to the Future" puts Biff in his place. The altered future shows Marty's family in a much different situation than we were shown before Marty time traveled.  He took advantage of knowing the future outcome of certain behaviors  and made the appropriate changes   We have the opportunity to do the same--Jesus has faithfully reported that our future is full of wonderful things we can't even imagine if we accept his invitation and follow him.  I choose to  listen to the guy who's seen the future,  I'm taking his advice.  I invite you to do the same and share what you find along the way. 

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